Please take attention to our following house roules :
1.) All noisy vehicles (car + motorbike) must be parked outside.
2.) Only confirmed and with passport registered RESIDENTS
is the entry in the Orchidilla allowed
3.) 10 PM - 08 AM SILENCE PLEASE !
4.) Please do not put tissue paper, chewing gum .... in the toilet - use bin.
5.) Our accommodation are NON - SMOKING INSIDE ALL ACCOMOCATION area please !
6.) Damages (Ex. bedsheet) caused are to be stated immediatley and will be charged by pricelist in
info brochure !!!
7.) Keydeposit 1000 THB by checkin
8.) Please help our organisation and tell us up to 11 am you need full
cleaning inside or only new water/towels.
Ohm + Dirk
Owner Orchidilla